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Parents & Family

Create memories while learning softball skills and fundamentals to support the player in your life!

Do you have a softball player in your life that wants to practice with you? Are you looking to learn softball terms and technical moves?

Coach Trisha grew up with several prominent adults in her life that practiced softball with her. Whether you played back in the day and need a refresher or have never touched a ball in your life, Coach Trisha will go over the basics of softball. This will provide parents and guardians with softball foundations to practice with the softball player in their life. Adults can expect an hour of physical and mental activity regarding softball like any other athlete. Bring all your gear!


In a group or one on one, lessons provide the space for you to develop and refine softball skills, including throwing, catching, batting, fielding, and strategy. These can be enhanced by making it a family affair, creating an environment for athletes to bond over their love of playing softball with their adults.

One on One

$75 Per Hour

​Individual Adult

  • Working with a parent, guardian, family member, or prominent adult in a softball player's life,

  • Coach Trisha will coach technical and developmental softball for 60 minutes.


$45-$35  Per Hour Per Person

Parent(s), Guardian(s), & Adult(s)

  • Working with multiple parents, guardians, family members, or prominent adults

  • Coach Trisha will coach the physical and mental aspects of softball for 60-120 minutes


$90 per Hour

Adult(s) & Child(ren)

  • Coach Trisha will work with at least one child and at least one parent, guardian, family member, or prominent adult, on how to appropriately communicate and play softball together.

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